Fabric Down Under Podcast

Fabric Down Under is a podcast (audio show) for data professionals. In each show, Data Platform MVP and member of the Microsoft Regional Director program Greg Low interviews a well-known identity from the Microsoft Fabric or data communities. Each show provides a wealth of information on using Microsoft Fabric and other data-related products. Listening to the show is one of the easiest ways to learn more about the product and the best part is that it's free. So start learning now. Need configuration help? Check out our Getting Started Page.





Show 10 discusses getting started with implementing Fabric Real Time Intelligence (RTI)

Show 9 discusses the Real Time Intelligence (RTI) functionality released to general availability at Microsoft Ignite

Show 8 discusses the source control and DevOps in relation to Microsoft Fabric and related tools

Show 7 discusses the use of Direct Lake with Microsoft Fabric CAT team member Philip Seamark

Show 6 discusses early experiences in starting to migrate projects to Microsoft Fabric with MVP Paul Turley

Show 5 discusses the current state of visuals and custom visuals with Power BI, and its competitive landscape with MVP Reid Havens

Show 4 discusses the introduction of Data Activator as it enters public preview, with Program Manager Will Thompson

Show 3 discusses the SQL warehousing experience in Microsoft Fabric with Senior Program Manager Mark Pryce-Maher

Show 2 discusses OneLake with Principal Group Product Manager for Microsoft OneLake, Josh Caplan

Show 1 features Microsoft Senior Program Manager Pawel Potasinski introducing Microsoft Fabric